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About: Inner_about


Don't Do Your Best.

Change Your Best.

Gone are the days when you can have a work self and a personal self. You'll see my blog share perspectives on both personal and professional growth since both business leadership and personal growth use the same equation for self-improvement.


As the proud son of a Navy captain, discipline has been part of who I am since day one. I love to learn & at every turn I’m trying to gather more information. I’ve picked up a few degrees along the way including an MBA from The University of Chicago, an undergrad degree from Michigan State University, and a masters from The University of Iowa.


I’ve never been (nor desired to be) the smartest guy in the room, but I’ve always found a way to make things happen. I’m glad to have you on board & look forward to making great things happening together through innovation, persistence, and of course – discipline.





About: Quote

"One common theme unites all strong leaders: a relentless drive for growth.

Strong leaders chase self-growth, growth in relationships, and growth within a team. 

Poor leaders chase financial growth. "

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