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A business and leadership blog to help you become a better version of yourself
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Increasing Our Tolerance for Hard Things
We’ve had a great run at The Outloud Group -- a run I hope and expect to continue moving forward. And while I’m very proud of what we’ve...

Balance: Honoring Differences Rather Than Forcing Similarities
Ask five people what work-life balance means to them and you’re likely to get 5 different answers. Shoot….if you were to ask me what...

Type 2 Discipline: Getting to the Good Stuff
Type 1 Discipline is getting you to a point where you get get shit done every day. That's hard...but it's not enough. Type 2 Discipl

Activate New Users By Doing The Minimum
When it comes to starting a new venture -- success follows a singular focus on the needs of today. It does not follow the concerns about...

Strength Through Vulnerability
When it comes to thinking about great leaders, I’ve been conditioned to immediately zero in on characteristics that reflect a strong...

One Plus Anything Equals Zero
In football, the quarterback is the undisputed leader of the offense and the bell cow for the entire team. The quarterback calls the...

Lead With Purpose. Lead Like a Grandmother.
Managers don’t want to know about your personal life. It’s a best practice for managers to not learn much about their employee’s personal...

Change Your Business With a Meaningful Hello and Goodbye Each Day
Without question, the worst part of my otherwise amazing business school experience was being immersed in the anxious negative energy...

Stop Being a Wantrepreneur. Start Being an Entrepreneur.
The difference between entrepreneurs and wantrepreneurs is simple: wantrepreneurs pursue inspiration and entrepreneurs create inertia....

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of Startup Founder Communication
Leadership is communication and effective communication is always a challenge, even in the most ideal environments. So what does that...
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